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时间:2017-01-12 来源:搜猪网 作者:佚名

现在的美国养猪户不仅清楚了解针对农场抗生素使用的新联邦法规,而且还做好了遵守法规的准备。美国国家猪肉委员会在十一月进行了调查,被调查的养猪户有95%表示,等到2017年1月1日法规生效的那一刻,他们将不折不扣的遵守该法规。国家猪肉委员会主席Jan Archer是一名来自北卡莱罗纳州戈尔兹伯勒市的农民,他说:“猪肉行业为了实施1月1日的法规,已经努力了近两年。有些人可能担心部分生产商直到法规实施之日也不会做出改变,但从调查结果来看,似乎不会出现这样的状况。”

US - US pig farmers are not only well aware of new federal rules for on-farm antibiotic use, but already are complying. In a survey conducted by the National Pork Board in November, 95 per cent of pig farmers surveyed said that they were ready to be fully compliant by the time the rules took effect on 1 January 2017.“The pork industry worked toward the Jan. 1 implementation date for nearly two years. There was a concern that some producers would not make changes until after the date of implementation, but that does not seem to be the case,” said Jan Archer, National Pork Board president and a pig farmer from Goldsboro, North Carolina.
