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时间:2017-01-12 来源:搜猪网 作者:佚名

据加拿大肉类委员会称,由于联邦政府推行的快速移民项目产生了一些变化,导致加拿大肉类加工商很难留住技能娴熟的屠夫和肉类分割工人。根据联邦技术劳工计划、联邦技术移民计划以及加拿大经验类移民计划,快速移民项目负责在加拿大工作并寻求永久居住身份的移民人的申请管理。去年年底,联邦政府针对手中有聘书的工人,把可获得永久居住身份的参考条件从600减少至50条。加拿大肉类协会的政府与媒体公关兼国际贸易主管罗恩·戴维森(Ron Davidson)说:“有些公司在过去常常利用快速移民项目,招收在肉类高级分割方面(肉类经过分割可直接零售)有专长的人,但是这个变化使得这些公司在未来难以招聘到此类人才。”
CANADA - The Canadian meat Council says changes made by the federal government to the Express Entry Programme will make it harder for Canada's meat processors to retain skilled butchers and meat cutters.Express Entry is used to manage applications of immigrants working in Canada for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Programme and the Canadian Experience Class.Late last year the federal government reduced the number of points available to qualify for permanent residence for workers who have job offers in hand from 600 points to 50 points.Ron Davidson, the Director of International Trade, Government and Media Relations with Canadian Meat Council, says the change will make it difficult for companies that had used the program to access workers specialized in doing high level cuts that go directly to retail.
